TrxAVR-Picastar and Hobcat versions

20.5.2009   Hobcat v1.010 and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.00

21.5.2009   Hobcat v1.011   -   processor usage of DSP and Debug windows very much reduced

24.5.2009   Hobcat v1.012   and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.01
                      -Hobcat User2b2.xjp parsing - quotes in params names removed (mystery problem in Australia only!)

28.5.2009   Hobcat v1.014   and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.02
                      -Several bug fixes. USB inactivated during initial DSP load.

28.5.2009   Hobcat v1.015  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.03
                      -USB no longer inactivated during initial DSP load!! - problems with this.
                       DDS window working reading TrxAVR (not controlling)

04.06.2009   Hobcat v1.016  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.04
                      Hobcat DDS control of TrxAVR-Picastar working
                       DDS window has Smeter and manual frequncy entry

09.06.2009   Hobcat v1.017  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.05
                      CAT control added using UART0 at 38400 baud
                       - working with Logger32 and Commander 679 - more work to do yet

13.06.2009   Hobcat v1.018  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.06 and Encoders8 version 1.01
                       CAT now suppoting extended Ham Radio Deluxe function - see this site
                       SSB filter centre now has correct algorithm (Thank you G3XJP)
                       Filter graphics has carrier marker

13.06.2009   Hobcat v1.019  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.08 and Encoders8 version 1.01
                        Parameter colour buttons added to HRD
                        Red params bug fixed!! - I win the 1k 1206 resistor!!

19.06.2009   Hobcat v1.023  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.09 and Encoders8 version 1.01
                        DDS clock multiplier settings from Hobact

15.07.2009   Hobcat v1.025  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.11 and Encoders8 version 1.01
                        Hardware diagnsotic facilty added - using Hobcat via USB
                        TestPortsCD - a small program to cycle ports C and D as outputs if USB not working.

                         6800 interface working for S1D13700 mono graphics. ( 8080 still recommended)

22.07.2009   Hobcat v1.026  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.12 and Encoders8 version 1.01
                        Initial support for EA TFT colour display (buttons, VFOs, smater, SWR meter)
                        Hardare setting bug fix - page boundary violation in 24LC512

29.07.2009   Hobcat v1.028  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.13 and Encoders8 version 1.01
                       More TFT colour features. Touch panel working.
                       Programming of TFT flash from Hobcat via USB (data via UB to trxAVR then via I2C
                       to display unit.

06.08.2009   Hobcat v1.029  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.14 and Encoders8 version 1.01
                       TFT colour panle fully working including DSP monitor.
                       Display flash programming through Hobcat

24.08.2009   Hobcat v1.032  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.17 and Encoders8 version 1.02
                       Hobcat: bug fixes adn support for dual display with 20x4 char display

                       TrxAVR: mem slot and stack soft buttons, Last encoder soft button. Bug fixes
                       Encoders8 - debounce modifications.

25.08.2009   Hobcat v1.033  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.18
                       Two minor bug fixes. Hobcat not reading Band Last freq correctly on 20m and 12m.

08.11.2009   Hobcat v1.043  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.29
                       I2C support added (BFPs, PA3AKE front end, button control of PCA9555 16 I/O chip)

                       DSP code transfer timing changes

17.11.2009   Hobcat v1.046  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.31
                       TFT menu header fonts fixed. Minor button/touchpad update bug fixed.
                        EEMEM load timing changes

23.11.2009   Hobcat v1.049  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.34
                       I2C PCA9555 control. Button highlighting and caption change now preserved after R > T >R.
                                                         Rx / Tx pairs of same button task now have mutual state update.

                                                         New Rx andTx specific bit set and toggle operations.
                        TFT colour display - font and timing improvements - some for forthcoming TrxAVR display
                         driver board.
                         DSP code and param upload - delay between these increased - fixes a timing problem.
                         DDS78 - key pressed diagnostic display, now toggles: no display > key code > matrix column no.
                         Support for 12 different keypad matrix sizes from 5x5 to 8x7.

14.12.2009   Hobcat v1.050  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.36
                       Hobcat: built in web browser. Website links to, Glenn's pages and
                       to the homebrew-radios yahoo group. Some help button activated.
                       TrxAVR: minor TFT and I2C changes. PA3AKE front end now fully supported.

15.12.2009   Hobcat v1.051  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.37
                       Hobcat: Links to PIcastar manual added and to picaproject group.

                       TrxAVR: Band up down softkeys had bug. - DSP mode didn't change if you rerpeated the buttons
                       too quickly: fixed

01.01.2010   Hobcat v1.052  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.38
                       Hobcat: Projects database browser added.
                       TrxAVR - user defined key pad moved to module taKeysUser.c.

03.01.2010   Hobcat v1.053  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.38
                       Hobcat: Projects database browser bugs fixed. (Ignored first 25 projects because FetchedRows property
                       was set to 25.   Printout had wrong name and callsign.

10.02.2010   Hobcat v1.054  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.41
                       TrxAVR: DDS37 and DDS77 bugs fixed. Denoiser sometime was on at start - foxed.
                       Hobcat: Link to Picastar manual's DSP command summary fixed.

18.05.2010   Hobcat v1.055  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.43
                       ALT button in HRD used for filter wide/narrow switching - failed to change appearance - fixed.
                       MOX button added to Hobcat's DDS window - controls TrxAVR PL3 whcih drives a relay to ground PTT.
                       For 240x320 and colour TFT, Params no loaded message now in message box after startup.
                       TrxAvr.df renamed to TfteDIPTFT43A.df.     TftA df now added.

21.07.2010   Hobcat v1.060  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.50
                       Xparams bug fix. Params upload and download now from/to User2b2.xjp and Xparams.xjp (rewites xparams.dat also
DSP window changed - xparams added (tree parameter panes), Copy to backup button added.  Green derived values
                        (254) shown qith green background.
                        Power/SWR meter added to DSP and DDS windows.

16.11.2010   Hobcat v1.061  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.52
                       SWR calibration USB communication improved - now reliable. Menu encoder operation improved.

02.03.2011   Hobcat v1.078  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.68
                        Real Time Clock support added for 5 RTC devices in graphics modes 128x64 and 320x240 mono and colour TFT.
                        TftA I2C address was coded in TftA and TrxAVR - Now it is held in TftA ATmega128 User Signature Ram and is
                        configarable from Hobcat. TftA opening display shows IC2 address to aid resolution of I2C adress mismatch.
                        Hobcat now deals with multiple TrxAVRs: if detected then presents selection list at start up.
                        Display clashes fixed in mono graphics modes.

22.01.2012   Hobcat v1.079  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.69
                        Modifications to TrxAVR code
- supports both v2.25 and v2.26 TftA firmware

22.01.2012   Hobcat v1.082  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.73
                        DDS multiplier bug fixed

26.06.2015   Hobcat v1.101  and TrxAVR-Picastar v 1.74  and TftAVR version 2.27
Modifications to run with Star4 + SNR (Star Noise Reduction)
                       Hobcat USB DSP loader bug fixed (now correctly loads filter data > bytes)
                       TrxAVR DSP loader modified.
                       TrxAVR TFT display labelling updated.
                       TftAVR macro 7 modified with SNR label changes on DSP monitor.
                       Hobcat DSP monitor labelling modified for SNR.                      
                       Hobcat direct COM port loader working.
                       RTC code reviewed - no problem disabling RTC display using Menu | hardware config
                      Hobcat user dtabase display working - user access to be sorted soon.
                      Hobcat built in internet update will not work until next version because of password change forced by




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